Individual and Organizational Leadership

From Vulnerability through Courage to Innovation-Creativity-Change

A creative and transformational learnshop grounded in the Genuine Contact™ program, Conscious Leadership Coaching and Outdoor Education

Learnshop August 20-24, Kroppefjäll Resort, Sweden including Mentoring and Integration circle August 23-24, 2012

Are you ready to face ultimate success? Are you ready to lead an organization in the unknown that comes with moving beyond the comfort zone and into a successful future?

Choose to see the abundance in yourself and the world around you!

The existing paradigm uses a language of lack of resources and avoiding vulnerability at all costs. We say the world is a place of abundance and vulnerability is the birthplace of what humans seek on a personal level – joy, love, trust, faith, respect and more. On an organizational level it is the foundation for a climate or culture that supports innovation, creativity and change.

This workshop will provide you with experience and learning for leading an organization in a holistic and successful way through getting comfortable with leading in and from the unknown.

You will leave the learnshop equipped with

  • Tools to work at the individual and organization level and experience of how to bridge between them.
  • Experience and tools from a blended approach of the Genuine Contact™ program, Conscious Leadership Coaching and Outdoor Education to support high learning and great joy.
  • A way to move forward in your own leadership.

Each day will have a different theme: Abundance, Greatness, Passion and Exposure. We will look at assumptions, cleanse blockages and move on until we are comfortable with leading with vulnerability and an enhanced level of courage and energy.

Venue and Accomodation
Learnshop Leadership

Industrigatan 22, 666 31 Bengtsfors, Tel: 0531-120 80, E-post: